In one of my most recent reads there was this concept of love never being equal in relationships. that one person always loves the other more. Maybe its 70/30, maybe 60/40, but it's always slightly lopsided at the least. So I started to think about this concept. And I took more notice then usual. I've definitely always known who that person is in my parents relationship, but I never quite looked at it, or thought of it in that way, until I read this book. But I know, without a doubt, that my dad is the one who loves more. She is the air he breathes, the blood pumping in his veins, the sunshine on his most beautiful days. She is his heaven and hell. He adores her, from the smallest nail on her littlest toe, to her knees and her back which are crying from age, to the laugh lines on her face and her now completely gray hair. He.adores.her. This is not to say she doesn't love him. I know personally, that she thanks God for him on a daily basis. But, if this lopsided love theory is true...then it is and always has been quite clear where the heavier side lies.
My dad makes me want to believe that chivalry is not dead. My dad, who will walk my mother in from the car with her arm tucked safely under his, and then return to the car as many times as it takes to bring in whatever they may have been out getting. My dad, who would allow my mom to lay in bed all day if she wanted to, climbing up and down the stairs a million time to get her whatever she may want. My dad, who still, after more then 30 years, brings home flowers for every holiday, and this includes the "i just wanted to holidays" that come at least a few times a year. My dad, who gets up early every Christmas, to make us all the biggest breakfast ever. My dad. He is a huge part of the reason I know I will never settle. After growing up watching this adoration my dad has for my mom, how could I ever settle for anything less then that.
My dad is a beautiful man.
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