Monday, March 23, 2009

oh Happy Day

So today, I'm happy. For no specific reason- I didn't win the lottery. I haven't met the man of my dreams. I didn't climb out of debt over night. I haven't solved the mysteries of the world, or even the mysteries of my life. And yet, I'm happy. This is not to say that every other day I'm not happy...but just to say that this day, I am.

I woke up today..alive. I saw my mother smile, heard my father laugh. I felt the sun's warmth on my skin. I drove my car, and sang along to the music coming through my speakers. I ate, and ate until I was happily full. I talked to friends who expressed their love for me...I expressed my love for them. I avoided cleaning my room. I made plans for tonight. Today was a day, as ordinary as any other, and yet for some reason I felt it was special enough to take a moment to write about.

I love these days, when your happy at just being happy, and when being happy is enough.



Oculto said...

Ok, lets see if this works...

I like that ur happy for no reason! who needs one anyways!

Also, I kinda liked thold look!