Sunday, November 29, 2009

eyes opening.

when i stopped blaming myself for what we weren't, i started seeing you for what you were.

"Reason, Season, or Lifetime"

perhaps i'm not meant for the latter.


some friendships are easy, even when their difficult. thankfully.

Monday, November 23, 2009

the story of my life right now

"if situations were different"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

at the end of the day..

I'm just a girl trying to find my place in a world full of girls trying to do the same.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Do men think it's really ok to contact someone only when they're not around their chick, and expect that person to be pleasant about it?

Why do male friends always get shady, or disappear altogether when they have a girl? Does this go back to the age old, "men and women can't be just friends" thing?

I love my male friends...but sometimes I just have to say to myself, "really though?!" I will tell you the truth about yourself even when others tell you lies. If that makes me a bitch so be it.

I just was having a moment, and needed to get that out.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


If I could cut pieces of several men in my life and put the pieces together like a patch work quilt, I'd have my prince charming.

But my life is not a disney movie...there is no such thing.