Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a change came.

So I used to write...I had a blog before. And I stopped...who knows why...writings always helped. I was reading through my old blog today [I think I shall call that period in my life "stupid love"]. My last post stuck out to me. flashback:

January 26, 2007
a change gon' come...

i catch glimpses of the light at the end of the tunnel...when the lil things won't get to me...i won't wander into the abyss of time and space, and drive myself crazy with thoughts of what if, or what is. what is and what will be will happen, whether i'm ready or not...whether i want it or not. i look forward to the day when i will not let the pains of yesterday effect the opportunities of today, when all of this is just a distant memory.. ...but no matter the change, i will remain me...the me i have always been. i will wear my heart on my sleeve...i will risk hurt...i will love with my whole heart...i will give honesty above all else...i will worry when i'm told not to...i won't hide my negative or positive feelings...anything less would be less of what i am and that isn't me. i will be every inch of the woman i am...even if the woman i am is too much for someone else. everyday brings growth. ...God never gives you more then you can handle...

..in progress

fast forward to the present:
i am what i wrote. and that's beautiful.


Diamond in the Rough said...

beautifully said.....

Oculto said...

oh man.. snappity snap snap!